Eng Rus

Ivan Ubaleht's Personal Site

Ivan Ubaleht is a software developer, computer scientist and teacher at the Omsk State Technical University. Primary skills: .NET Framework, computational linguistics, design of databases, developments in the field of low-resource languages.

2012 - present:
Omsk State Technical University, www.omgtu.ru
Senior lecturer.
Courses: Programming, Software development and software testing, Artificial intelligence.

2013 - 2016:
Omsk F. M. Dostoevsky State University, www.omsu.ru
C++ Programming Course.

2009 - 2013:
Limited Liability Company "Luxoft Professional", www.luxoft.com
Software developer.
Responsible for software development (more than 10 software projects).

2007 - 2009:
Experimental plant of electronics of center "Transport" LLC, zavod.su
Software developer.
Responsible for software development (.NET framework), design databases (MS SQL Server).

2006 - 2007:
Informational Systems of Services Art, Ltd (ISS Art Ltd), issart.com
Software developer.
Responsible for software development. Outsourcing projects from oDesk (now UpWork) and mobile application development.

2002 - 2007:
Omsk Production Association "Irtysh", irtysh.com.ru
Software developer, production engineer.
Responsible for software development, integration of the software products.

Frameworks and Languages: .NET Framework, C#, Java, C++.
Database (RDBMS): Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL.
Web Technologies: ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web Forms, HTML/CSS/JavaScript, PHP.
AI: NLTK, Keras, TensorFlow, Scikit-learn.
Industry Automation and Drive Technologies: Programming for PLC SIMATIC S7-300 use OPC Data Access interface.
Other: OOP, design patterns (GRASP, GoF, P of EAA), programming for mobile platforms, use unit testing, SCRUM.

Research interests: Research and development of software in the field of low-resource languages.
Google Scholar Profile
ORCID: 0000-0003-3807-186X
My research project: Lexeme.Net is a system for managing speech corpora for endangered languages.

2012 – 2016: Omsk State Technical University,
Postgraduate education.

2010 – 2012: Omsk State Technical University,
Speciality: 230100 "Informatics and Computer Engineering",
Master's program: 230111.68 "Databases",
Degree: Master's degree.

1997 – 2002: Omsk State Technical University,
Qualification (degree): Diploma of Engineer.

LANGUAGES: English, Estonian, Russian